Thursday 23 July 2009


Iguanodontipus is an ichnogenus of dinosaur footprint.. Dr. Lisa Buckley small avian tracks from Guy 

the birds evolved along side the dinosaurs 

robin to an emu in size

Along side the large therpod there are a number of smaller bird tracks


Lime Creek at a Mine site blown up and never recovered

Dr. McCrae did a write up on a Large tridactyl track. The track was 86 mm

Photo: Footprints of large Cretaceous ornithopods: Iguanodontipus sp. from Bückeburg Formation (Berriasian-Valanginian) of the Münchehagen Dinopark, Germany (A); Caririchnium leonardii Lockley, 1987 from Dakota Group (Albian-Cenomanian) of Dinosaur Ridge, Colorado (B); Amblydactylus kortmeyeri Currie & Sarjeant, 1979, PMA P76.11.11, from Gething Formation (Aptian) of Peace River Canyon, Canada (C); Hadrosauropodus longstoni, TMP 87.76.6, from St. Mary River Formation (Maastrichtian) of St. Mary River Valley, Canada (D).

Wednesday 22 July 2009

Saturday 18 July 2009

Friday 17 July 2009

Thursday 9 July 2009

Tuesday 7 July 2009

Saturday 4 July 2009


The Rocky Mountains, vast yet quietly humbling, define this part of the world. Vertically, they soar above 14,440 feet(4,401 m). Spanning 40 degrees of latitude, some 4,800 kilometres((2,980 mi), they run the length of North America from Liard Plain in BC's north to the Rio Grande in New Mexico. The mountains you see north of the Liard river, into the Yukon, are often grouped in with the Rockies, but are actually part of the Mackenzie Mountain system. The river systems that gather and wind their way out of these mountains head in all directions.

Four individual raindrops falling on these high peaks could easily end up thousands of miles apart -- one flowing north to the Beaufort Sea, another reaching the the Gulf of Mexico, a third would be absorbed into Hudson Bay to the east and the last into the vast Pacific.

Friday 3 July 2009


The Okanagan Highlands is an area centred in the Interior of British Columbia, but the term is used in a slightly misleading fashion to describe an arc of Eocene lakebed sites that extend from Smithers in the north, down to the fossil site of Republic Washington.

The grouping includes the fossil sites of Driftwood Canyon, Quilchena, Allenby, Tranquille, McAbee, Princeton and Republic. These fossil sites range in time from Early to Middle Eocene, and the fossil they contain give us a snapshot of what was happening in this part of the world because of the varied plant fossils they contain.

Thursday 2 July 2009

Wednesday 1 July 2009