Monday 22 March 2010

Sunday 14 March 2010


Bones from a variety of dinosaurs have been found in the Tumbler Ridge area of British Columbia. Here plaster is used to protect a valuable dinosaur bone collected from Flatbed Creek near Tumbler Ridge. The bone is from the Kaskapau Formation (Turonian) and was found a few metres away from a Tetrapodosaurus, "four-footed lizard," trackway.

If you are interested in learning more about the paleontology of the Tumbler Ridge area or perhap plan to visit, check out these papers and links from the lovely and hard working Lisa Buckley, one of their two resident paleontologists.

Arbour et al. (2008ish) wrote up a paper in the Canadian Journal of Earth Science on dinosaur material collected in the 60s from BC; Rylaarsdam et al. contributed to the same journal two years earlier on the association of dinosaur footprints and skeletal material in the Kaskapau Formation.

Additional Links: (Tumbler Ridge Museum Foundation) (Peace Region Palaeontology Research Centre) (Maintained by Rich McCrea, PRPRC's curator and vertebrate ichnologist)

Saturday 13 March 2010

Friday 5 March 2010

Wednesday 3 March 2010