As Valentine’s Day approaches, both mating and chocolate get on the brain. If you have not already chosen your new love, researchers suggest you stay away from those with big chins as they have a tendency to cheat. Researchers from four universities across the US and Canada prodded into the sexual habits of chinny and relatively chin-less females to determine these resultts.
Kidding? No, they’ve published in the journal Personality And Individual Differences, so it must be true. Larger chins, especially on adult females, are associated with the male growth hormone testosterone and too much of that bad boy can lead to messing around. It seems on an unconscientious level men sense this trend and are biased against a more masculine chin.
"The findings are important in demonstrating that perceptions of women as desirable and trustworthy long-term mates can be reliably gleaned by men from viewing only the women's facial features.
"Results suggest that information about women's sexual unrestrictedness, which is related to their risk of infidelity, can potentially be conveyed by the masculinity of women's faces."
Hogwash you say? Perhaps you are already hooked up with said chin-cheater? Well, they may cheat, but you may also have found s sexual goldmine. Women with larger chins are also more sexually assertive and perhaps better in bed.
While the study only looked at the chins of the female of our species. Friends and neighbors also speculate on the tendencies of our males. Is Leno a complete dog? And what of the chin of our own Brian Mulroney?
Bring on the chocolate and the chins I say. It's Valentine's Day!
View the original story at http://fossilhuntress.blogspot.com/